Happy Leap Day! Here are a few important reminders and a homework update for this week.
Community Service hours are due this Friday, March 4. At this point in the year, you need a total of 8 hours to get a 3.0. No picture = No credit. Forms are on the News & Events page and if you have any questions, please see your homeroom teacher.
Trimester 2 ends on March 11 and the last day for Reassessments is March 8. Which means, if you want to improve your grade, you should be filling out a reassessment ticket and turning it in ASAP!
Homework for this week:
4th AND 6th period:
M~ 9.2 text
T ~ 9.3 text
W ~ 9.4 RPJ *9.1-9.3 Quiz in class today*
T~ 9.4 text
F~ 20 minutes on IXL or Moby Max
5th period:
M~ finish your review from the text *6.4-6.5 Quiz in class today*
T~ finish review packet
W~ correct mistakes and study
T~ Ch 7 FGR *Chapter 6 Test in class today*
F~ 20 minutes on IXL or Moby Max