This has been a long, yet busy week. It is hard to believe tomorrow is already Friday. Here are some updates and homework.
Public Speaking~ Students have been presenting their Informational Speeches this week and they are doing really well. Next week we will be working on writing our How To... speeches.
4th Hour~ Students have been working on identifying terms, combining like terms and solving one-step equations. Homework this week is as follows:
M~ 3.1 text
T~ 3.2 text
W~ none
T~ 3.3 text
F~ 3.4 text
There will be a chapter 3 test on Thursday, October 20.
5th Hour~ Students have been working on transformations (rotations, translations, dilations, and reflections) and determining how the perimeters and areas of similar figures are related. Homework for this week is a follows:
M~ none
T~ 2.5 RPJ
W~ 2.5 text
T~ 2.6 text
F~ 2.7 RPJ
6th Hour~ Students have been working with rational numbers. They are learning that the rules for integers are going to follow them! We have also been reviewing how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions and decimals. Homework this week is a follows:
M~ 2.3 PRJ
T~ 2.3 text
W~ 2.4 text
T~ Review (answer for part B are
F~ Ch 3 Fair Game Review *Ch 2 Test today*