- Finish reading from Monday's homework....we will be discussing this tomorrow!
- Finish the 4 questions about your learning style if you did not get them done in class. Please remember to use complete sentences.
- Section 1.2~What's Your Answer and p. 14#'s 4-6, 40-44
- Quiz on sections 1.1 to 1.3 on Monday
Red Book~
- Section 1.1 ~ p. 6 #'s 1-11, 20-44 even, 46-50
- Quiz on sections 1.1 to 1.3 on Monday
Also, I am still looking for a parent volunteer to lamiate, cut out and organize some stuff for academic games that go along with our text. If you are interested, please email me 94.ksternfels@nhaschools.com